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The History of Murphy's Loft
Murphy's has been serving the Pocono's for over 40 years, but our story goes on for almost a century. The original "Log Cabin" was constructed in 1934 from native spruce, harvested entirely from the surrounding woods. Known for many years as The Log Cabin, this rustic mountain lodge was a boarding house for hunters and other outdoorsmen. During a typical deer hunting week, extra cots overflowed into the dining room. Long rows of cots were installed against the wall, while hearty Pennsylvania Dutch Style meals were served on tables lining the other wall. In 1946, the current Fern Ridge Motel was built using stones removed from the ski slopes at Big Boulder. In 1979, Ed Murphy and Bill Lauff bought the Log Cabin Lounge and renamed it "Murphy's Loft." Over the last 40 years, the kitchen was expanded, an indoor deck was added on for year round dining and an outdoor patio, bar and pool were added to make the restaurant the place be in the summer. In the early 2000's, Fern Ridge Motel was updated as well.
Murphy's and Fern Ridge are still owned and operated by the Lauff family. We pride ourselves on tradition, community and dependability. When visiting the Poconos, make sure Murphy's is your first stop.